Cyfrif Raffl

Cyfrif Raffl

Cynilwch yn rheolaidd mewn Cyfrif Raffl Fawr a chael cyfle i ennill Gwobrau Mawr!

Rydyn ni’n rhoi cyfle i aelodau presennol ac aelodau newydd sy’n cynilo’n rheolaidd ennill gwobrau anhygoel bob mis! I gael cyfle i ennill, yr unig beth sydd angen i chi ei wneud yw arbed £25 y mis i mewn i Gyfrif Cynilo Raffl.  Mor syml â hynny!  Bydd 3 enillydd lwcus yn cael cyfle i ennill gwobrau bob mis, gan gynnwys penwythnosau sba moethus, bwyd mewn bwytai seren Michelin, hamperi a thechnoleg newydd. Bydd yr enillwyr wedyn yn cael eu dewis ar hap gyda gwahanol wobrau ar gael i’w hennill.

I fod yn gymwys mae'n rhaid i chi wneud taliadau rheolaidd o leiaf £25 y mis i mewn i'n Cyfrif Tynnu Gwobr i fod yn gymwys. Fel darparwr cynilion a benthyciadau moesegol rydym yn annog aelodau i gynilo felly byddem yn argymell cynyddu eich cynilion bob mis yn gyson. Er enghraifft, os byddwch yn cynilo £25 y mis am 3 mis byddai gennych 3 mis o fod yn gymwys i'r Raffl A byddai gennych £75 wedi'i gynilo.

Sut mae cymryd rhan - Ydych chi eisoes yn aelod?

Os ydych chi eisoes yn aelod, cysylltwch â’r tîm naill ai ar 0333 2000 601 neu anfonwch e-bost i, a gofyn am gael creu Cyfrif Raffl Fawr. Dylech ddyfynnu eich rhif aelodaeth a faint rydych chi’n dymuno ei arbed. Bydd y tîm yn rhoi help llaw i chi ar hyd y ffordd.

Sut mae cymryd rhan - Aelod newydd

Os nad ydych chi eisoes yn aelod, ymunwch ag Undeb Credyd Cambrian drwy lawrlwytho’r AP yma, a llenwi’r ffurflen gais.  Ar ôl i chi lenwi’r ffurflen gais, cysylltwch â’r tîm naill ai ar 0333 2000 601 neu anfonwch e-bost i, a gofyn am gael creu Cyfrif Raffl Fawr. Dylech ddyfynnu eich rhif aelodaeth a faint rydych chi’n dymuno ei arbed.

Terms and conditions

1.The Prize Draw is open to new and current members of Cambrian Credit Union aged 18 or over, other than employees of Cambrian Credit Union their families or its agencies. Only one entry per person.

2.Entries must be (i) a member of Cambrian Credit Union who are actively saving £25 or more per month into a Prize Draw Account, (ii) an existing member who opens and actively saves £25 or more per month into a Prize Draw Account or (iii) a new member who opens an account with the credit union and also opens a Prize Draw Account and begins saving £25 or more per month into a Prize Draw Account.  Members saving into a prize draw savings account will only qualify for the current month’s draw if their net account balance is at least £25 more than the last day of the previous month.

3.The Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of entrants and check their identity.

4.Prizes vary per month

5.The prizes are subject to availability.

6.The Promoter reserves the right to substitute a prize of equivalent or greater value if this is necessary for reasons beyond its control.

7.The winners will be three people drawn at random on the 5th of the following month. Winners will be notified by telephone or email. One winner will receive the top prize, while two winners will receive a runner up prize each.

9.The prizes will be sent to winners within 30 days after the closing date.  Any events such as spar breaks or meal experiences will have a 12-month redemption period, beginning on the day when the winner is notified that they have won.

10.A list of prize winners (last name and county only) may be obtained by written request by sending an SAE to Cambrian Savings and Loans 144 Conway Road, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, LL31 9ND on or before October 2024.

11.By entering this Prize Draw you agree that your image, biography and likeness (if applicable) may be used by the Promoter in unpaid promotional related publicity (including photographic shots and interviews. Any current member who has a Prize Draw Account can opt out of the prize drawer by emailing and giving their details.

12.Your personal details will be retained for the purpose of the Prize Draw and  will not be used for any other purpose, unless you choose or have chosen to receive information from the Promoter. For more information please see Cambrian Credit Union’s Privacy Policy which can be found at Privacy Policy CCU

13.No cash alternative will be offered and prizes are non-transferable.

14.The Promoter reserves the right to re-draw the winner if they cannot be contacted within 7 days and the right to disqualify any entrant or select alternative winner in the event that it believes that any entrant has contravened these Terms and Conditions.

15.Submitting an entry to this Prize Draw is deemed to be acceptance by the entrants of these Terms and Conditions. The Promoter reserves the right to alter, amend or foreclose this Prize Draw without prior notice in the event that unforeseen circumstances make this unavoidable.

16.The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant resulting from entering this Prize Draw or by the entrant’s acceptance of the prize.

17.This promotion is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

18.The Promoter is Cambrian Savings & Loans is a trading style of Cambrian Credit Union Limited. Registered Office: 144 Conway Road, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, LL31 9ND. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority Registration No: 213672.

19.By entering this Prize Draw, you agree and acknowledge that this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok or YouTube.

Cwestiynau Cyffredin am Gyfrif Raffl

Oes gennych chi gwestiwn? Edrychwch isod i weld a yw eich cwestiwn yn cael ei ateb yn ein Cwestiynau Cyffredin.

Sut mae cymryd rhan?

Os ydych chi eisoes yn aelod, cysylltwch â’r tîm naill ai ar 0333 2000 601 neu anfonwch e-bost i, a gofyn am i ddechrau Cyfrif Raffl. Dylech ddyfynnu eich rhif aelodaeth a faint rydych chi’n dymuno ei gynilo. Bydd y tîm yn rhoi help llaw i chi ar hyd y ffordd.

Os nad ydych chi eisoes yn aelod, ymunwch ag Undeb Credyd Cambrian drwy lawrlwytho’r AP yma, a llenwi’r ffurflen gais.  Ar ôl i chi lenwi’r ffurflen gais, cysylltwch â’r tîm naill ai ar 0333 2000 601 neu anfonwch e-bost i, a gofyn am i ddechrau Cyfrif Raffl. Dylech ddyfynnu eich rhif aelodaeth a faint rydych chi’n dymuno ei gynilo.

Faint o arian y mae angen i mi ei dalu i mewn bob mis?

Mae’n rhaid i chi dalu o leiaf £25 y mis i mewn i Gyfrif Raffl  i fod yn gymwys i gael eich dewis i’n raffl fisol.

Alla i gael mynediad at fy nghynilion?

Mae Cyfrif Raffl yn hygyrch ar gyfer tynnu arian yn ôl a throsglwyddiadau. Rhaid i aelodau barhau i gadw taliad rheolaidd o £25 y mis i'r cyfrif er mwyn bod yn gymwys.

Sut alla i ddod yn aelod

Lawrlwythwch yr Ap Symudol o’r App Store neu Google Play Store, cliciwch y botwm Ymuno a dilynwch y camau i ymaelodi.

A oes unrhyw ffioedd aelodaeth?

Rhaid i bob aelod o Undeb Credyd Cambrian gadw £5 yn eu cyfrif cyfranddaliadau bob amser. Codir ffi aelodaeth flynyddol o £3 ar y diwrnod y gwnaethoch chi ymuno â’r undeb credyd.

Cynnydd mewn ffioedd o 1 Medi 2024 - darganfyddwch fwy yma

Faint alla i ei arbed?

Arbedwch gyn lleied neu gymaint ag y dymunwch, ond gall cyfrifon ddal uchafswm o £85,000.

Ydy fy nghynilion yn ddiogel?

Ydy. Fel aelod o’r Cynllun Digolledu Gwasanaethau Ariannol a gefnogir gan y Llywodraeth, mae cyfanswm eich cynilion yn cael eu diogelu hyd at £85,000.

Sut ydw i’n talu i mewn i’m cyfrif

Dewiswch o blith Rheol Sefydlog, Bancio Ar-lein, neu Arian yn un o’n canghennau neu drwy’r ap. Neu beth am gynilo’n uniongyrchol drwy eich cyflog, a hynny drwy gyfrwng Cynilo drwy’r Gyflogres.

Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help with your account please contact our team on 0333 2000 601 or visit For financial advice visit