17 October 2024
Important Announcement regarding Branch Closure
Dear Member,
I write to you on behalf of the Board of Directors of Cambrian Credit Union, to announce the closure of our LLandudno Junction branch on Thursday 28th November 4pm. While this decision was not easy, it is however, necessary for our Credit Union’s sustainability and viability. As you may be aware, the Credit Union business model has evolved greatly in the last number of years, we have seen a significant increase in the number of members availing of our online service offerings. We are very proud that we have developed a modern and enhanced online platform in line with our members’ needs. This platform provides financial services from joining and becoming a member to applying for a loan to requesting a transfer without having to be restricted to the limited opening hours of our local offices.
Please note that this decision was not taken lightly, and we trust that you will appreciate, it is one that had to be made for the greater benefit of our Credit Union and all our members in the long term. With the online activities continuing to increase month on month, the footfall in our offices having seen a steadily decline. We would like to reassure you as our valued member, that we will continue to support you and will endeavour to meet all your financial needs in the future.
We would like to remind you that you can continue carrying out your Credit Union business in person at our Rhyl Office (details are listed on our website) and for the next for weeks we will have staff on hand at our Llandudno Junction branch to help sign you up to online services or open an Engage Card. Your loyalty and cooperation to the Credit Union is highly valued.
Should you have any queries or wish to discuss this matter further, please submit your inquiry to info@cambriancu.com or alternatively you can call 0333 200 601 and one of our dedicated Member Services Officers will address your inquiry.
Yours sincerely,
Ann Francis
Chief Executive Officer
Following a recent review of our branch network, we have identified that the footfall in our Llandudno Junction branch has continued to decline with a preference of members to carry out their credit union business via our online channels and in other branches.
You can go to your nearest branch i.e., if you’re from Llandudno Junction your nearest branch would be our Rhyl branch and if you’re from Rhuddlan, your nearest branch would be Holywell branch. Alternatively, you can access your Credit Union account online via our website www.cambriancu,com or our mobile app 24/7.
Your account and online access including your access PIN will not be affected at all, this will only affect a number of our members who have been using our Llandudno Junction branches for in-person transactions. As of the 28th of November, they will no longer be able to transact in these branches, however, in-person services can be accessed in our Rhyl and Holywell branch.
You continue to be a valued member of Cambrian Credit Union. We would like to reassure you that Cambrian Credit Union is fully committed to operating in your community and that members will be able to undertake all of their business either online or in any of our opened branches which are all within a short distance from one another.
A member of the team will be in the Llandudno Junction office from Thursday 31st October to offer assistance to register for both online service and information on the Engage pre paid card service we offer. We will also be able to identify members who may benefit from additional support
Yes. As a member of the Government-backed Financial Services Compensation Scheme, your total savings are protected up to the value of £85,000.